Shredded Memories, Down Time and Mandolin Orange

One year ago to the hour as I write this I was being ambulanced to Fairview Southdale with a good amount of uncertainty in my future. There would be other challenges to unfold in the months ahead but this was a big one that could've meant a profound change in my ability to do those activities I enjoy most: riding and walking. I try to not let too much time go by before offering a prayer of thanks to God for all of the healing that's happened in my life over the past year. Oftentimes those prayers are said from the saddle of my bike in the solitude of the trail where maybe there's an eagle or two gliding over the river just beside me with a freezing wind in my face that causes my nose to run even more. It's a time when more than ever I'm feeling alive and healthy and grateful for that.

I got a text from Reid last week. He was shredding some documents he no longer needed and among his discards were some reports I'd written about training sessions we'd had together when he was my trainee 8 years ago. He sent me photos of some of the reports, sure that I'd be amused by them. He was right. There was some fun stuff in there that I'd forgotten about. It reminded me of how I used to enjoy being a trainer before an incident in the sector while conducting training permanently soured me on it. (See what you started, Reid!?)

Okay, back to a more happy place...

Le Tour de France trivia training report

A '70s duo trivia training report

A Big Brother trivia training report

A servicing our customers training report (This was an embarrassingly painful time to be a controller.)

I'm taking a rest day from working out. I don't really want to but my quads have been hinting (for a few days now) that it would be a good idea. I've been out on my fat-bike nearly every day this month and enjoying it as much as ever. I've never had a January like this one but then I've never been retired in January before, either.

Temps above freezing will be here toward the end of the week and the trails will be off-limits so as to minimize damage to them. My CompuTrainer will be a good substitute but I'll miss the outdoor aspect that trail riding provides.

Here's some video from Sunday morning's ride on the trails at Elm Creek. What an awesome place! Tyler and I were having some fun riding (or in my case, trying to ride) the narrow sections of logs or planks known in mountain bike vernacular as "skinnies".

Tammy is on her way up north to Fargo with her mother to attend a Celebration of Life service for her aunt Minnie who passed away a few days ago at the age of 96. The pups and I are staying behind to keep the home fires burning.

I've been listening to a lot of Mandolin Orange for the past month or two. I can't seem to get enough of their soothing sound. I first became aware of them in June 2013 when we were visiting Rachel in Rochester and were taking in the sights of the city's Thursdays on First & 3rd event. I only wish I knew then how much I'd fall in love with their music.

I'm not typically a bluegrass listener but see what you think...


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